Our Services

Our Services

Amiable has earned a distinguished reputation as a trusted and highly commended provider of Rail Welding solutions. The company’s extensive experience and expertise have led to groundbreaking innovations in the manufacturing of Thermic Casting Products. These products play a pivotal role in welding a diverse range of rail types and heavy metal machinery, employing the highly efficient SkV process, which can be executed both on-site and at the company’s own well-equipped premises.

Amiable’s journey in the rail welding industry is marked by a commitment to excellence and a history of pioneering solutions. By producing top-quality Thermic Casting Products, they have significantly contributed to the advancement of rail welding technology. These products ensure the secure and seamless fusion of various rail types and heavy machinery components, making rail transportation safer and more efficient. Whether the welding process occurs at the company’s premises or at project sites, Amiable’s dedication to quality and innovation remains unwavering, solidifying its reputation as a leader in the field of Rail Welding solutions.

Ultrasonic Testing of Rails / Welds

Amiable has emerged as a trusted provider of Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Machine services, offering a comprehensive range of solutions to meet the diverse needs of industries that rely on non-destructive testing. Our expertise in Ultrasonic Flaw Detection ensures the detection and assessment of flaws, discontinuities, and structural defects in materials, components, and welds.
Our services encompass a wide spectrum of applications, including quality assurance, preventive maintenance, and defect identification. Our skilled technicians utilize state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure the highest level of accuracy and reliability. Whether it’s inspecting critical components in aerospace, automotive, or manufacturing sectors, or examining welds in railway tracks, Amiable’s Ultrasonic Flaw Detection Machine services are committed to enhancing the safety, efficiency, and integrity of a wide range of industrial operations. Our dedication to precision, quality, and customer satisfaction underscores our position as a preferred partner for non-destructive testing needs.